This week is the last week of the People’s Hall Civic Hall Exhibition. Much to see including art, photos, memorabilia, cartoons and newsreels. Crowds have been pleasing and there is still time to visit until Sunday 21st June Hours are as follows:
When: Thursday – Sunday 12 Noon-4pm
Where: Backspace Gallery Camp St
To wind up a very successful exhibition there will be free talks this Saturday 2oth June commencing at 2.00pm
Art Deco Talk by Robin Grow, President of The Art Deco and Modernism Society of Australia. Robin will explain the significance of the Civic Hall and how it fits into the overall collection of Art Deco buildings in Ballarat.
David Beames CEO of the Ballarat Cemetery Trust will talk about The Ballarat Crematorium and its resemblance to the Civic Hall and the controversy surrounding its conception in the 1950’s.
Come and visit the exhibition and enjoy the talks and chat over a free cup of tea or coffee…..guaranteed to be an interesting afternoon. Bring a fiend or two..all welcome!!
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