Category Archives: News



This week is the last week of the People’s Hall Civic Hall Exhibition.  Much to see including art, photos, memorabilia, cartoons and newsreels.  Crowds have been pleasing  and there is still time to visit  until Sunday 21st June Hours are as follows:

When: Thursday – Sunday 12 Noon-4pm

Where: Backspace Gallery Camp St


To wind up a very successful  exhibition there will be free talks this Saturday 2oth June commencing at 2.00pm

Art Deco Talk by Robin Grow, President of The Art Deco and Modernism Society of Australia.  Robin will explain the significance of the Civic Hall and how it fits into the overall collection of Art Deco buildings in Ballarat. 


David Beames CEO of the Ballarat Cemetery Trust will talk about The Ballarat  Crematorium and its resemblance to the Civic Hall and the controversy surrounding its conception in the 1950’s. 


Come and visit the exhibition and enjoy the talks and chat over a free cup of tea or coffee…..guaranteed to be an interesting afternoon.   Bring a fiend or two..all welcome!!

The People’s Hall-Civic Hall Exhibition

The People’s Hall- Civic Hall….From early concepts to future possibilities

Where:         The Backspace Gallery- Camp Street Ballarat

When:           4th-21st June 2015.     12 Noon – 4pm  Thursday-Sunday

Entry:           FREE

Don’t miss this fabulous exhibition on everything Civic Hall related…from Artworks, photography and memorabilia to Cartoons and Costumes.  The Exhibition explores the Civic Hall’s  uses over the four decades that it served the community,  until its closure in 2002.   It is a factual exhibition that shows the reasons for its conception in the 1930’s to the  events and concerts that took place during its heyday and its eventual decline and debate over its future during the past decade.

There are many spectacular items…many never seen before.  The collection is sourced from institutions, community groups and individuals..each telling their own unique story and allowing for the  stripping back of the the many layers of Social and Architectural History to eventually  expose a magnificent tapestry of Local History.

Also join us for Saturday the 20th June for two fascinating talks at 2.00pm

Robin Grow of The Art Deco and Modernism Society of Australia

Learn about this popular Architectural style that is becoming more recognised and also extends to artworks and collectables.  How can we identify an Art Deco building by its features?  All will be revealed by Robin’s expertise and extensive knowledge of this architectural style and that of post WW2  modernist buildings

David Beames…CEO of The Ballarat Cemetery Trust

David will talk about the Crematorium that was designed by HL Coburn and son, the architect who designed the Civic Hall.  Little is known about this magnificent building and its similarity to Civic Hall.  We will also learn how the Cemetery Trust assists in research of family histories and history in general.

Look what was in Saturday’s edition of The Courier…..

Two weeks to go for the opening of The People’s Hall-Civic Hall Exhibiton!

It is only two weeks until our fabulous The People’s Hall- Civic Hall… From Early Concepts Future Possibilities Exhibition  opens at The Backspace Gallery on Thursday 4th June until Sunday 21st June.   We are amazed at the wonderful variety of items that such generous people have been willing to loan for the exhibition and also the assistance from an incredible number of groups and individuals …it just goes to show the enormous  community support for the Civic Hall.

The exhibition will show both sides of the argument as not everyone shares our point of view and the exhibition has to reflect the community as a whole.  Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your neighbours….The exhibition is FREE!!

The Peoples Hall FBT

Ballarat Civic Hall Tours and Art Deco Walks were very well attended at the Heritage Weekend

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The Civic Hall Tours:

People were amazed at the interior of the Civic Hall and more amazed at the Lower Civic Hall which has not been seen by the public since its closure.  The two halls are integrated by Coburn’s clever and unusual  design of fitting the Lower Hall underneath the stage of the main auditorium maximizing the use of the undulating land.  The upstairs which leads to the Long Room and Dress Circle is so iconic and forms the Art Deco facade seen from the front of the Civic Hall,  the carpet is in excellent condition as is the embossed ceiling of the main auditorium.  Most of the  beautiful light fittings are still intact.

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Both Halls have been the target of graffiti and vandalism over the years but the structures are robust and solid as they were built on a steel frame and built to last.  The tour showed  no evidence of structural damage or cracking of the plaster.  With re-fitting of toilets, kitchens, disabled access and the usual restorations associated with an older building, there is no reason why the halls could not be useful to the community once more.  

It is all up to us as a community to send a clear message to Council and attend the Open Door Studio and tell Here Studio staff what we like or do not like about the 10 concepts that have been developed following the 1st phase of the Community Design Process.  The Save Civic Hall Group advocate the full retention of both the Main Hall and the Lower Hall for community use.

The Open Door Studio is open for the 2nd phase of the process:

9.00am -5.00am Tuesdays

12.00 noon – 7.00pm Thursdays

1st Saturday of the Month 9.00am -1.00pm

The Art Deco Walks

The Art Deco Walks were as popular as ever and participants were delighted to be able to go into the foyer and see inside the hall.  The rain held off for the walks .  Robin Grow explained the significance of the Civic Hall and gave an insight to designer, Les Coburn’s work as an architect.  We were also educated on the progression of architecture moving from the Victorian Era to Art Nouveau and then into the Art Deco and Modernist period and the reasons for the progression.  Very informative!…we look forward to Robin Grow returning for next year’s Heritage Weekend.

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Art Deco Walks and Civic Hall Tours this weekend



***Council has just released an amendment to arrangements for the  Civic Hall Tours***

Civic Hall Tours are every hour on the half hour starting at 10.30am on Saturday and Sunday

 10.30,  11.30,  12.30pm,  1.30,  2.30,  3.30

Tours are limited to 8 people per tour and Hard Hats must be worn and Hi Vis vests.

Tours are to be booked at the Civic Hall only, so it may be a good idea to book your tour of the hall at the foyer and then go on to the Art Deco Walk or other Heritage Weekend events and come back.

The Art Deco walks will proceed as advertised….

***The Art Deco Walks are at 10.30am and 2.00pm on both days and are led by Robin Grow, President of The Art Deco and Modernism Society of Australia. The walks leave from the Civic Hall…put on your comfortable walking shoes and be prepared to be enlightened***


Civic Hall…stunning views under mood lighting..



Did you catch the Transition exhibition at the Civic Hall today?  The launch took place last night and the Grand Old Lady looked spectacular in her mood lighting.  The lighting captured and highlighted the ornate Art Deco features…The Embossed ceiling, the gorgeous suspended light fittings, rare, solid Otway Timber floor, original stage and drapes. and the bold geometric pillars.   The scene would have  been complete except for the boarded windows.  Could you imagine watching a concert or wining and dining at a function here at The Civic Hall complete with lighting and all the Art Deco fittings and features?  The hall has a presence that invites you in and leaves you wanting more…

This event marked the end of the 1st phase of the Community Design Process.  The 10 Concepts were on show and will be available for further viewing and feedback from this Tuesday….please post more comments at the Foyer on Tuesdays 9am-5pm and Thursdays 12pm-7pm.  The Here Studio Staff need to know what you liked or did not like about the concepts…they are not set in concrete and the next phase of the process will refine them down to 5 concepts based on your feedback and that of the whole community…so get involved!!

Thank you to Mairin Broidy and her hubby for creating this beautiful portrayal of what could be at the Ballarat Civic Hall.



If you missed seeing the Transition Exhibition there will be another opportunity to view the interior of this magnificent hall  during the Art Deco Tours which commence at the Civic Hall.

Free tours will be conducted by Art Deco & Modernism President and Expert Robin Grow who will walk you through the hall and show you the significant collection of Art Deco buildings that  occupy Ballarat’s CBD.   Both Fascinating and educational…not to be missed!

Tours are on the Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May, 10.30 am and 2.00pm both days.



While you are viewing the Civic Hall at the Art Deco Tours be sure to catch the TASTER for The People’s Hall-Civic Hall, From Early Concepts to Future Possibilities Exhibition which will be at The Backspace Gallery June 4-21.  It is a free exhibition showing artworks, memorabilia, photographs and euphoria.  The taster is on the right hand side as you go into the Foyer of the hall.


The People’s Hall: Civic Hall from early concepts to future possibilities

The Peoples Hall FBT

Put it in your diary now! This exhibition traces the Civic Hall from the massive predecessor halls (Alfred and Coliseum) through its design and construction to its heyday when it was the key place for community, civic, and commercial celebrations and events.

The exhibition opens at Backspace Gallery, Alfred Deakin Place (behind the Art Gallery of Ballarat) on 4 June and runs till 21 June.

Gallery hours are 12 – 4pm, Thursdays to Sundays.

It will be a great show, with spectacular historical items, costumes, artworks, cartoons, videos and soundtracks from some of the great bands that performed there.

Entry is free and everyone is welcome!

Want to see inside the Civic Hall?…open for the 1st time since 2012

Transition Exhibition- revealing the 10 concepts of the 1st phase of the Community Design Process by Consultants…Here Studio.


The Civic Hall will open for the first time since the tours of 2012 during Here Studio’s Transition Exhibition on the 2nd & 3rd May commencing at 10.00am.  The Hall will be open to the public on Saturday the 2nd May only.  The concepts will still be on show at the foyer of The Civic Hall and the Library.  You can get the details of this event and more at The Civic Hall by following the link below.

There will be a Launch for the Transition Exhibition  on Friday 1st of May at 6.00pm which may offer another opportunity to view the Main Hall.   The community is invited to attend.  For this event and others please RSVP at:

While you are enjoying the Transition Exhibition make sure you look out for “The People’s Hall-Civic Hall…from Early Concepts to Future Possibilities” exhibition  taster…there will be a preview of some of the items that will be on show at the Backspace Gallery in Camp Street from 4th-21st June 2015

Art Deco Walks for the Heritage Weekend 9th and 10th of May

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We are excited to announce  that this  year’s  popular  Art Deco Walks  will offer guided tours of the inside of the Main Hall.   Led by The Art Deco and Modernism’s President and expert Robin Grow, the walks will depart from The Ballarat Civic Hall.  Tours are at 10.30am and 2.00pm on both Saturday 9th May and Sunday 10th May.  Ballarat has a wonderful collection of Art Deco Buildings so be sure to put this on your Heritage Weekend to do list.  Tours and Walks are free.  Here is the link to the Heritage Weekend tours.  We hope to see you at all of these fabulous Civic Hall events!




Art Deco and Modernism Society President and Expert will be conducting The popular  Art Deco Walks on the 9th and 10th of May in 2015, which of course is the Mother’s Day Weekend.  Included will be tours of the interior of The Civic Hall as part of his walks.  This will be the 1st time the Civic Hall has been open since 2002.  It will also coincide with the end of the 1st phase of the Community Design Process currently in progress at the Open Door Studio at The Civic Hall foyer.

Don’t miss your chance to view this amazing Art Deco Style building which opened in August 20th 1956 and was used for the many events associated with 1956 Olympic Rowing held at Lake Wendouree and served the community for many decades.

The times will be 10.30 and 2.30 on Saturday and Sunday. 

While you are in the Civic Hall be sure to have a look and the many items that will be on show.  The 10 concepts of the 1st phase of the  Community Design Process will be displayed as well as a preview of  some of the items of the forth coming  “The People’s Hall-Civic Hall” Exhibition at The Backspace Gallery in Camps St …4th-21st May 2015


The clean up work has commenced and  the pigeon poo has left the building.  Over the next few weeks the Civic Hall will  be prepared for Here Studio’s Transition to 10 Concepts Exhibition  in May.  We will post more details as they emerge.


What’s On

These are Here Studio’s  upcoming events at the Civic Hall Site over the next week:

Tuesday 14th April

12-2pm Lunchtime Live Music with Christine Tammer

Thursday 16th April 

12-2pm Lunchtime Live Music with Christine Tammer

4pm “Hands On” Design workshop with Ballarat Youth Council

Call in to view  the Hall in a much more presentable state and say “Hello to the Here Studio Staff who are working very hard to present your ideas and preferences into the 10 Concepts which will be on view soon inside the main auditorium of The Civic Hall.  An event is planned so stay tuned for the details.

….better still why not sign up for a free weekly newsletter at:



CIVIC HALL EVENTS…to suit all ages happening this week!!

This weeks fabulous events by Here Studio at The Civic Hall:

The Civic Hall Community Design Process is progressing well with many community events on offer with something to appeal to everyone.

Children’s Workshop

This week begins the School Holiday and if you are looking for some free Children’s activities don’t miss the Children’s workshop on Thursday 2nd April 2015  1-3 pm for above 5 year olds…..hosted by acclaimed artist Pauline O’Shannessy Dowling..(POD) at The Open Door Studio in the foyer of The Civic Hall.  Please RSVP at the link below:

A 7 year old's view of the Civic Hall
A 7 year old’s view of the Civic Hall

SCREENING/ SALT SEMINAR: Brian Eno & Danny Hillis…”The Long Now,Now” From 5-7pm Thursday at Here Studio, Civic Hall Foyer

A conversation between the Artist Brian Eno and the Inventor Danny Hillis, filmed as one of the SALT Seminars from the Long Now Foundation ( Eno & Hillis speak about extreme long-term thinking and how it is being practically applied in the design of their joint project, The 10,000 year Clock.  Please RSVP at the following link

Then make your way to Dana St at 7pm for Green Drinks this month features talks about the sustainability of Civic Hall…guaranteed to be a night of enlightenment.

Green Drinks at Mr Rede with guest speakers Ammon and Michelle from Here Studio and Andrew Lang from the World Bioenergy Association…not to be missed!

DATE: Thursday April 2nd, 

TIME: 7.00pm-9.00pm 


VENUE: Mr Rede, 203 Dana St, Ballarat (The Ballarat Club Building)

EVENT: Urban Sustainability and Ballarat’s Civic Hall

An exciting event is planned at the end of April

On the April 24,25 &26 the 10 design concepts will be on public display marking the end of the 1st phase of the Community Design Process.   To mark the occasion an event is planned by Here Studio’s event planner Mairin Briody who is working hard to bring you something exciting.  The details have yet to be finalised.

It is hoped that cleaning of the hall by Council will  begin this week so it may be opened for Here Studio’s event at the end of April and for the Heritage Weekend Art Deco Tours on May 9th & 10th, led by Robin Grow, President of the Art Deco and Modernism Society of Australia.  Pigeons out …Humans in!!






 “The People’s Hall” -Civic Hall

Our own exhibition plans are developing well and things are falling into place nicely for our exhibition at The Backspace Gallery June 4th-21st.  There will be a sneak preview of some of the exhibition items set up in The Civic Hall Foyer at Here Studio’s end of April Event.

Tickets from the very first and later balls, donated by Frank Martin
Tickets from the very first and later balls, donated by Frank Martin