Category Archives: News

Main Hall open soon


Great news today! Council has approved opening the main part of the Civic Hall from the evening of 24 April to Sunday 26 April to celebrate the end of stage 1 of the Design Process. This has not been open to the public since the tours of 2012 and currently can only be viewed through glass from the foyer.

The 10 themes or main concepts which have been developed over the past few months will be displayed INSIDE the main space of the Civic Hall.   The next stage involves developing and modifying these concepts.

Two weeks after the launch the Civic Hall will be open for public tours during Heritage Weekend, 9 & 10 May.   Watch this space for times!


“The People’s Hall”

Exhibition at the Backspace Gallery from 4th June- 21st June 2015

Preparations for “The People’s Hall” exhibition are progressing nicely as we move into the sourcing, sorting and reviewing phase.   The exhibition aims to show the Civic Hall from inception to its  opening in 1956.  In its heyday it served the community with a variety of events and concerts, so lots of memorabilia will be on display.  Included will be items that portray the various contentious issues that surrounded the Civic Hall in recent times.   The story will be told through the presentation of artworks photographs, cartoons and memorabilia.

We are particularly looking for the following items:

  • Photos and memorabilia of events relating to the Civic Hall
  • Herbert Leslie Coburn architectural plans and drawings
  • Material relating to protest rallies at the Civic Hall
  • Posters of performances at the Civic Hall.

If you can help with any of these items please call

Merle Hathaway 0419 324042 / 03 5341 2751



Stunning Art Deco programs that will be on loan from The Gold Museum


Clean Up Day at Ballarat Civic Hall this Sunday 1st March….Cake Anyone?

This Sunday 1st of March 2015 is Clean Up Australia Day and to celebrate we are going to clean up the Civic Hall Site.  Please bring your own gloves, afternoon tea, a drink and a chair to sit on in the park, rubbish bags are provided.   We can share this Save Civic Hall Celebration cake and an enjoy a chit chat…Alan who is a retired chef may even treat you to some of his famous scones.  The weather is predicted to be fine and cool…so come and join us and re-activate this site for the afternooon.

The event commences at 1.00pm.

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Please join us this Sunday 1st March at 1.00pm-4.00pm to clean up The Civic Hall site and then afterwards for a BYO afternoon tea and a chat in Civic Hall’s own  Pocket Park..please bring  your own gloves and a chair if desired.  Rubbish bags will be provided.

The weather forecast is showers clearing with an expected top temperature of 20 degrees so it should be rather pleasant in the afternoon….Hope to see you there!!



Today, Merle, Judith and Barbara had the pleasure of a private  viewing of some documents from the  Ballarat Crematorium before and after it was built and opened in 1958.  This remarkable building resembles the Civic Hall and was designed by HL Coburn who designed The Civic Hall.  The building as it is seen today has had some modifications, however originally it was adorned in some beautiful Art Deco features.  Some of the features are still visible.  We are hoping to be able to display some of the Crematorium design artworks and photos for the up coming exhibition at the Backspace Gallery in June 2015.

Surrounded by beautifully kept gardens, The Cemetery Trust, staff and maintenance crew have done Mr Coburn’s building the justice it deserves unlike the Civic Hall which has been the victim of a “Demolition By Neglect” mentality by successive councils.  Hopefully this trend can be reversed by the Community Design process to find a suitable design for the retention of The Civic Hall…but it relies on your input!!



The  Community Participatory Design Process is currently in progress in the foyer of the Civic Hall.  The future of the Civic Hall relies on participation by the community so if you have not visited the foyer yet, now might be a good time to do so as the consultants are nearing the 1st milestone in the process.  Multiple visits are also encouraged.

The opening hours of the Open Door Studio are as follows:





CIVIC HALL DESERVES THE RESPECT IT IS DUE!….Civic Hall features on Radio program!!

Civic Hall deserves the respect it is due
Opinion Piece in The Courier  Wednesday, 11 Feb 2015 – Page 16

I am appalled to learn of the Ballarat City Council’s interference with regard to the community design process of the Civic Hall site.  I was under the impression this process would be an unbiased and independent study of the community’s attitudes and ideas towards finding a suitable design and integration of the Civic Hall.  It seems that I am living under an illusion. How very disappointing.
The hall can only be viewed from its entrance behind a glass partition. This gives the visitor a clear message “keep out” .

Basic cleaning did not even take place before the opening day of the foyer back in October. Was this to make the hall look worse than it actually is? 

Designer Mr HL Coburn would turn over in his grave at the abhorrent lack of respect for his work.   In this city, Mr Coburn was an outstanding citizen, architect and Councillor for 14 years.  He was mayor between 1945-46,during World War II, a most challenging term of office .

The plans were set in place for the promised Civic Hall in the 1930s, but could not be built due to the war effort that sucked up every penny from the city’s coffers and its citizens in the way of war loans.

Things were so desperate that public health infrastructure projects could not be undertaken as the then government would not release funds due to the increased demand for money for the war effort.   The Ballarat North sewerage works could not commence even though there was expected to be an influx of evacuees from Melbourne and elsewhere and they would be housed at unsewered properties through no fault of the home owner.  Authorities were touting vegetarianism due to the increasing “fly blitz” at the abattoirs. Funds would not be released to buy a cooling room for meat.

The Civic Hall is not just bricks and mortar, it is testimony to the perseverance of a long-serving Councillor and a community emerging from the darkest days of war with hope for a new way forward.  How disrespectful of the Council to even consider the demolition of this building, designed by a former Councillor whose works are held in high esteem and considered exemplary in architectural circles. Let’s hope we can find a way forward and give this building and its designer’s reputation the chance it deserves to serve the community once more.

*World War II facts are from The Courier articles of 1942.

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Snapshots of Mayor Herbert Leslie Coburn (Les) from the 1945 Mayoral Report

World Radio Day- featuring Civic Hall

World Radio Day is this Friday 13th February 2015 and The Ballarat Civic Hall will be the topic of a three hour program presented by Alan Steinman on 99.9 VoiceFM Community Radio.

There will be interviews as well as music from the past performers of The Civic Hall will be played .  It will be a walk down memory lane with a stroll  into the 1950’s through to the 1990’s .  It is guaranteed to be topical and an informative update on issues surrounding The Civic Hall.  Tune into 99.9 Voice Fm on 9.00am this Friday…if you are not near a radio you can do streaming on your computer by downloading the app…just copy and past the link below.


“Civic Hall- The People’s Hall “

Exhibition at the Backspace Gallery  4th -21st June 1015

Work on the exhibition is progressing nicely with lots of interesting items emerging.  A visit to the Gold Museum unearthed some wonderful artifacts that will feature in the exhibition.  We are still sourcing material and would be interested in hearing from the public if they have some memorabilia such as posters, photos, costumes etc..that they would be willing to loan for the exhibition.  If you have any items please call

Merle Hathaway  0419 324042 / 03 5341 2751

Here is a sneak preview of some of the historical items and programs that will be on loan from the Gold Museum displayed at the exhibition:






Concerns over Civic Hall Community Design Process –

Media Release of 4th February 2015

The grass roots community group, Save Civic Hall, has been quiet for some time, but things might be changing!

Since February last year members of the group have met regularly with City of Ballarat CEO, Mr Anthony Schinck and by September he had agreed in writing to specific actions to resolve the stalemate.

In return Save Civic Hall agreed to fully support Council’s new community design process, which should once and for all establish the future of the hall and the entire site.

Save Civic Hall is now frustrated by Council’s lack of action agreed to by the CEO and the apparent blocking of the process.

In November 2014 the Open Door Studio was opened by the Mayor in the refurbished foyer of the Civic Hall, with Here Studio appointed by Council to lead the process.

By November 2015 three final concepts are to be developed through community participation, assisted by Here Studio’s core team of artists, architects and other experts. Councillors then will vote on the final design. A special celebratory event is supposed to be held in the Hall to mark each stage of the process.

In its meetings with the CEO, Save Civic Hall was assured that the process would be held at “arms length” from Council, with no interference, and that the hall would be cleaned, with basic repairs. Council was to produce a dedicated edition of “My Ballarat” to ensure that the Ballarat community understood the process and was encouraged to participate. Mr Schinck also stated many times that he would like the hall open to the public as soon as possible. Then community and other activities could take place there as required.

The first sign that all was not going to plan was at the launch of the Open Door Studio when Council failed even to wash, let alone repair, the entrance steps or collect broken glass and other debris in the area to ensure safe public access.

The main hall still has not been vacuumed and is now sealed off with permanent glass walls. Council wants the community to believe that this building is beyond repair though several expert reports commissioned by Council show this is not true.

SCH is also concerned at what appears to be blocking of the Open Door process by Council officers. The occupancy permit of the foyer has now been changed to “office


use” with a limit of 10 people! And Here Studio’s ability to appoint the local artists and other experts required has been thwarted by Council’s insistence that the process go through them. Local artists have been discouraged from applying by a lengthy process and necessity for expensive private professional indemnity insurance.

A Partnership Group was formed to support the process, with representation from Councillors, Committee for Ballarat, Save Civic Hall and Here Studio. To date this group has also been unable to resolve these issues.

There appears to be no will or direction from this Council to ensure the success of this process by informing the community or presenting the Hall in its best possible light. Cynics may suggest that this is far from accidental and that in some circles the decision on the future of the Civic Hall has already been made.



On a lighter note we had a great day at Masters Home improvement Centre  at Wendouree.  The snags were hot and the drinks were cold…just right for the hot weather.  A big thank you to the Masters staff who made us very welcome and to the shoppers who supported us.  It was encouraging to meet lots of new supporters of The Civic Hall .  We managed to raise some much needed funds to continue our campaign to Save Ballarat Civic Hall!  Thank you to everyone who helped out and made the day a success!!



The Save Civic Hall Sausage Sizzle


The big boys cooking up the big snags….mmmm  delicious!!!!


This Friday celebrates World Radio Day and presenter Alan Steinman from 99.9 Voice FM Community Radio will be dedicating his 3 hour program to The Civic Hall.  Our own Judith Buchanan will be joining him for the full 3 hours discussing  the Performers of The Civic Hall and playing lots of music from those artists.  Also joining them will be other guests discussing the current  issues surrounding the Civic Hall.  The  Architectural and Historical significance of the Civic Hall will also be a hot topic up for discussion by guests who are experts in their field .

Tune in to 99.9 FM on your dial at 9.00am until Noon…if you are not near a radio you can get  streaming on your computer by downloading the App and listen to 99.9 VoiceFM Community Radio anytime and catch the program.   Just copy and paste this link into your browser:


The Community Design Process is continuing in the Foyer of the Civic Hall and the outcome relies on your participation…so if you haven’t visited the Open Door Studio yet please visit and put your ideas forward.  The first phase of the process will end soon and it is vital that all your ideas are gathered for the actual design phase of the process.  Multiple visits are quite acceptable.  If you have not been there yet, please make the effort as it is well worth seeing all the memorabilia that is on show and Ammon, Michelle and the team would love to talk to you.   The future of the Civic Hall relies on YOU!

You can sign up for a free weekly newsletter at :  or call into the Foyer and pick up a hard copy.

The Open Door Studio hours of business are as follows:




I am pleased to announce that The Art Deco Walks will be on offer again at this years  Heritage Weekend on the 9th and 10th of May 2015.  The walks will be led by Robin Grow, the president of The Art Deco and Modernism Society of Australia.  The Art Deco Walks were extremely popular last year and are back by popular demand.  More details will become available as the organisers prepare the program for 2015.

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The 2014 Art Deco Walks commenced at the Civic Hall


Did you know that as well as the Civic Hall, architect  Herbert Leslie Coburn designed many exquisite Art Deco buildings around Ballarat and throughout Victoria?   He was also a long standing councillor of 14 years and was Mayor in 1945/46 during World War 2.






On Saturday 7th February we will be having a Fund Raising Sausage Sizzle at Master’s (Hardware Store) at Learmonth Rd Wendouree.   Please come along and buy a sausage and support your Civic Hall.

The Demolition Application has not been withdrawn,  only the decision to pursue  the Demolition  Application has been postponed by Council.  Whilst we remain positive that the Participatory Design Process will deliver a design that will both please the Community and the Business Sector, the retention of The Civic Hall is by no means  guaranteed.

In order to continue our campaign we still need to do fundraising activities to ensure that if there is a negative move by Council towards the future of the Civic Hall, we are prepared physically, emotionally and financially.  Our hope is that the Civic Hall will re-open and the funds raised can go back into the Community for an event.

Regular Segments on 99.9 Voice FM Community Radio

Community Radio 99.9 Voice Fm presenter, Alan Steinman has generously offered Judith and Merle a monthly segment on his Community Voices Program to discuss the Heritage Issue and Performers of the Civic Hall, which will be presented by Treasurer Judith and Current Issues and The Participatory Design Process currently being conducted at the Foyer of The Civic Hall…by Secretary Merle.  Lots of Civic Hall  music and interesting discussions will take place with fun for all.  You can catch us on 99.9 Voice Fm or if you don’t have a radio handy you can follow and listen to the program  using your computer to download streaming by  copying and pasting this link into your browser

The next time Judith and Merle will be on Alan’s program will be between 11.00am and 12 Noon on Thursday 19th February.  A big thank you to Voice Fm and Presenters Alan Steinman and Jan Skewes who have allowed us to be part of their programs and broadcast the important issues surrounding the Civic Hall.  


World Radio Day is on the Friday 13th February.  99.9 Voice Fm’s Community  Radio Presenter Alan Steinman is organising his Friday Morning program to feature the Music of Civic Hall Performers  99.9 voice FM.  He has invited Judith to come along and share some knowledge as well as other guests.  More details will be available closer to the date.


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Community  Workshops at the Civic Hall Foyer

These will be conducted by Here Studio at the Civic Hall  Open Studio Foyer next Tuesday 3rd Feb, Thursday 5th Feb and Saturday 7th February.  There are still many spots available for the workshops, so please make your booking or tell a friend about it!  These are for individuals or groups.  If you have ideas for the Civic Hall, now is the time to share them as the process will move to the next phase of creating designs based on the ideas that have been submitted.

 For bookings pleaseRSVPing on our website via this link .

Hard copies of the weekly Newsletter are now available at the Foyer of The Civic Hall. Collect one for yourself or pick one up for someone you know who does not use a computer.  You can sign up for the weekly Newsletter by visiting




The Civic Hall model now on show in the Foyer.

Dr Anne Beggs Sunter and Ammon admiring the Hall

Local Historian Dr Anne Beggs Sunter admiring the Hall with Consultant  Ammon Beyrle.


Get the bigger picture!!  The Open door Studio are will be conducting Community Workshops during February 2015.  These are open to individuals or groups.  There will be  three sessions and places are limited so you would need to book to secure your place.  This will be a great opportunity to interact with the consultants and other people in the community and further develop ideas for the future development of the Civic Hall and its site.

Numbers are strictly limited so don’t miss this opportunity to get involved and please book your place at one of the 3 workshops by RSVPing on our website via this link or coming into the studio to let us know.

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Here studio consultants for the Participatory Design Process
Here studio consultants for the Participatory Design Process



Welcome back to….we trust you had a pleasant and safe Christmas and New Year.  There are some exciting events in store in 2015 for The Ballarat Civic Hall…as they emerge details  will be listed on this site so don’t forget to keep checking our site on a regular basis.


Work is currently underway to prepare and source items for the  exciting

“Civic Hall-The People’s Hall”

The exhibition  will run from the 4th June -21st June 2015 at the Backspace Gallery.   You will be impressed at the range of  items that have been offered for the exhibition and we are still sourcing more Civic Hall items .

The Gold Museum has generously started a collection of Civic Hall items suitable for the exhibition and may be preserved for future generations, a big thank you to Curator-Roger Trudgeon.   Just a little point about donating or lending items – we’d appreciate it if you could contact us first, rather than just dropping things off at the Gold Museum. This is a new aspect of their collection, so we need to know if new things are donated that we can include in the exhibition.
Also, while the Gold Museum is happy to receive documents and other small items, they don’t really want to collect costumes and other large items. They will have to be collected closer to the time of the exhibition.
Please do get in touch ASAP if you have anything related to the Civic Hall. We would love to borrow items related to any aspect of the Civic Hall’s history.

Everything will be insured and we will handle all donations and loans with great care.
 If you are willing to loan or donate any  items.  Please call Merle Hathaway on 0419324042 to discuss details of items, donations,  loan arrangements or if you wish the items to be picked up.


The Civic Hall Open door Studio has now re-opened following a break over Christmas and New Year.  As we move closer toward the first milestone in the Community Design Process,  ideas and themes are beginning to emerge for the future design of the Civic Hall and its site.  It is critical at this stage that Community Groups and individuals visit the Foyer and put their ideas forward and interact with the consultants.  This process has never been tried before in Ballarat and it is a unique and wonderful opportunity to become  involved and have your say on how you would like to see the Civic Hall used for future generations…. so please contribute your ideas.   You can keep up with all the news at:

Opening hours are:

  • Tuesday 9am-5pm
  • Thursday 12 Noon-7pm
  • 1st Saturday in the month 9am-12 Noon 
Please contribute your ideas to the Community Design Process
Please contribute your ideas to the Participatory Design Process



Save Civic Hall would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.   We thank  the community for their support during 2014.  Your support helped to changed attitudes and made Council re-think the future of the Civic Hall.

You can continue to support the retention of The Ballarat Civic Hall by visiting The Open Door Studio in The Civic Hall Foyer and sharing your ideas for its future uses with consultants Ammon and Michelle.   As well as individuals they particularly want to hear from community groups who would like to use the hall  for a variety of community events.  Groups can book a workshop with Michelle on 0412124342 or visit the Studio in the Foyer of Civic Hall.   The Studio looks great now with photos, memorabilia, projects and a scale model of Civic Hall.  All welcome to browse and have a look!!

Opening hours are:

  • Tuesday 9am-5pm
  • Thursday 12 Noon-7pm
  • 1st Saturday in the month 9am-12 Noon 

The Open Door Studio will be having a break over Christmas.  The last Studio day for 2014 is this Thursday 18th December and will resume on Tuesday January 13th for the 1st Studio day in 2015.
