Category Archives: News


The Open Door Studio at Civic Hall is in full progress .  It is your opportunity to participate  in the Community Design Process.  You do not need to be able  to draw, just be willing to share your ideas and directors of Here Studio, Ammon and Michelle will listen and guide you through the process.  Groups are encouraged book a workshop.

They are particularly interested in hearing from  groups and individuals that have an interest in the Civic Hall

  • Groups that want to Re-use the Hall
  • Community Groups looking for space
  • Small Business that may want to host events at Civic Hall
  • Community groups wishing to use the Hall for events
  • Schools that may want to conduct programs
  • Individuals with ideas

Hours of business are :

Tuesdays 9.00am – 5.00pm

Thursdays 12 Noon – 7.00pm

1st Saturday in the month 9.00am-12 Noon (6th December is the 1st one )

Michelle  will take bookings for Group Workshops  0412124342


Through the website:

to register to receive your weekly updates.



Save Civic Hall Meeting/Workshop to take place 8th December

There will be a meeting/workshop on Monday the 8th December at at the Civic Hall Open Studio.  All Civic Hall Supporters are requested to attend to put forth their questions and ideas.  This is not a debate on whether or not the Civic hall should be demolished.  It will be a facilitated workshop on establishing a way forward.

Civic Hall foyer opens tomorrow Tuesday 25th November-you are invited to be part of the Community Consultation Process

Further Update -The occupancy permit was issued last week, the coordination contract signed, and the studio in the Civic Hall foyer will open tomorrow. Pop in this Tuesday 25th November 9am to 5pm – the Here Studio team will be there to welcome you and to start work! Open Door Studio times are Tuesdays 9am-5pm and Thursdays 12pm-7pm. The studio will also be open the first Saturday of the month (next is 6 December) from 9am – 12pm. Please help us spread the word!

Meeting/Workshop to take place 8th December

There will be a meeting/workshop on Monday the 8th December at at the Civic Hall Design Studio.  All Civic Hall Supporters are requested to attend to put forth their questions and ideas.  This is not a debate on whether or not the Civic hall should be demolished.  It will be a facilitated workshop on establishing a way forward.





With the Design Studio set to open next week the Save Civic Hall needs to rally its supporters and determine what direction we are going to take.   The Community Design Process will be in progress during 2015 and the group will support Here Studio in facilitating this process.

There will be a meeting/workshop on Monday the 8th December at at the Civic Hall Design Studio.  All Civic Hall Supporters are requested to attend to put forth their questions and ideas.  This is not a debate on whether or not the Civic hall should be demolished.  It will be a facilitated workshop on establishing a way forward.


At Wednesday  night’s Council meeting Cr Belinda Coates moved a motion which included noting the appointment of Here Studio as the lead facilitator and endorsing the Terms of Reference for the Partnership Group for the Participatory Community Design Process. It also included “continuing the suspension of the Planning Permit Application for the demolition of the Civic Hall to ensure the current body of objections remains current during the course of the Participatory Community Design Process”. We are happy to inform you that this resolution was carried. On the studio front, Council is still awaiting an occupancy permit to be issued by the building inspector. We are told that the final inspection has been scheduled for this coming week.

The safety glass has now been installed and the boards are off.  If you are passing by make sure you have a look.  See what you think!!

Watch this space for information on the Design Studio and upcoming events

Studio open days on hold after enjoyable launch


The launch of the open door community design process at Civic Hall on 25 October received good mention in the week’s issues of both The Miner and The Courier (including page 1 of The Miner, 30 October 2014 –
As those who are registered for updates on will already know, the studio open days are unfortunately on hold at the moment.  The City of Ballarat is yet to confirm the appointment of the studio’s coordinators and is also still attending to matters necessary to ready the hall for occupancy.   Keep posted for updates!


The Ballarat Civic Hall Community Design Process hosted by Here Studio is now open for business.  It was launched today with a Community event .  The boards were taken from  the doors and the community were invited to enter the studio and view the main hall from the foyer.

There community were asked to write down their thoughts and ideas and pin them on a board.  Having read the posts there was an overwhelming response to retain and re-use  the hall and keep it for future generations.  Some plans of previous designs for The Civic Hall  and its site were on show and people were keen to have a look and assess them for their merit or lack thereof, depending on one’s point of view.

Here Studio will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays.   If you have any thoughts or ideas on a design for The Civic Hall and its site please call in and talk to Ammon or Michelle who will guide you through the process.  The Community Design process is anticipated to take place over the coming 12 months.

We were blessed with a beautiful day for the launch which was conducive for taking photos…here are a few.



It’s all hands on deck for the launch of the Community Design  Process tomorrow Saturday 25th October at 11.00am.    A free community event.

Today the Civic Hall has been buzzing with Volunteers and Council workers  cleaning and preparing the Design Studio.  Here Studio Director, Michelle Emma James has been working tirelessly to organize  and coordinate  the people and all of the elements needed to make this a successful and memorable community event .

The doors to Ballarat Civic Hall will open for the first time in 12 years and attendees will be able to view this amazing hall from the foyer.  Despite years of neglect , surprisingly,,the hall remains in very good condition.   The floor could be danced on with just a light sanding and re-varnish.

If you have not had the opportunity to see the hall before or if you have and just want to refresh your memory, you will be impressed by its grandeur and magnificence.  Come down and have a look…

Tell your family and friends to come and join the festivities and help the community celebrate this historical event!!

Michelle Emma James and volunteer Alan Buchanan

Here Studio Director-Michelle Emma James and volunteer, Alan Buchanan



Only two more sleeps until the doors to the Civic Hall are opened for the first time in 12 years.  This is the most exciting news for the Ballarat Community and we are inviting everyone to join in the launch of the Design Studio in the foyer which will run for the next 12 months, giving ALL members of the Community the opportunity to put forward their ideas on the future of the Civic Hall.  Festivities kick off at 11.00am this Saturday 25th October until 2.00pm.

 It is anticipated that the public will be able to view the main hall from the foyer with more access to the hall as work progresses.

Official Proceedings
Welcome to Country by Bryon Powell
Mayoral Address by Mayor Cr John Philips
Studio Opening by Key Competition Winner

Kids Activities
Treasure Hunt
Face painting
Jumping Castle

Live Music
Sound Mountain
Angela Crebbin of The Virginia Slims
Buck Jr
Hammond Organ Duo
+ local MC and live hip hop production

+ more!
Sandwiches, cakes + slices by Prickleberry Sourdough
Sausage Sizzle
Coffee by Espresso Mobile
Lighting Chess by Ballarat Chess Club
Artist market



The Community is being asked to share what the Civic Hall means to people as it gets ready to re-open some of its doors.

The firm behind the Open Door Studio will hand over the foyer’s keys to the winning recipient for the opening on October 25th.  Entrants need to answer why they want to win in 25 words or less.

Here Studio director Michelle Emma James said the competition would help get people excited about using the site again.

The Courier Newspaper Wednesday October 15th Page 9


Submit your entry and contact details at or by post 1/101 Sturt St, Ballarat VIC 3350.

The Prize will be for the once-only use of the keys to open the Civic Hall at the Get Together event on 25 October 2014. The Prize winner will also be presented with a commemorative gift.

The Competition will be conducted from Wednesday 15th October 2014 and closes at 5pm AEST on Wednesday 22nd October 2014.

For full Terms + Conditions please visit:

Civic Hall Site


Community Design Process opening on 25th October 2014


At last the Community Design Process will be launched on the Saturday 25th October at 11.00am.   A free community event is planned for this much anticipated Initiative.  There will be entertainment and children’s activities and an opening ceremony.  The extended weather forecast for the day is: Dry with Broken Clouds, a maximum temperature 19 degrees, which is perfect for this event.

The foyer will open and the main hall is expected to open as work progresses on the building.  The community is invited to attend the Foyer during opening hours (yet to be announced) and discuss their hopes and aspirations and contribute to a future design for The Ballarat Civic Hall.

Further details will be available through the media and on this site in the coming days so stay tuned.