Category Archives: News






ASU (Australian Services) OrganiserTash Wark said that as recently as the middle of last week the ASU was assured by VicRoads that there were no concrete plans and no definite decision about relocation to Ballarat.

“It is really frustrating that VicRoads is not consulting workers about further progress in this decision despite actively seeking updated and clear advice from management.  Employees have every right to know whether VicRoads is acting transparently and in good faith.”

“The potential move would have a massive impact on the lives of many.  It could result in VicRoads workers having to commute to Ballarat instead of Kew in order to keep their jobs.  This means extra travel costs in an economy where fuel and transport are already an increased burden on workers and their families.  It also means less quality time for family and friends.  It is highly unrealistic to expect that relocation is an option for everyone.

“It seems VicRoads employees are being used as political pawns in a pork-barrelling exercise by an unpopular and anti-worker government who are flailing their way to election time.  We hope Victorians see through these ploys.”

A transcript of an article from The Miner Newspaper 9th October 2014     page 11


According to Ballarat Council’s CEO Anthony Schinck the long awaited opening of The Community Consultation Process is expected to open to the public at the end of October. Mr Schink was interviewed tonight on Win News announcing the foyer will be opening for the Consultation Process and the Main Hall will eventually be open for public viewing .    Work on the Hall and the Foyer is progressing for  its opening with the date yet to be announced .

This is exciting news for the whole Community who will be invited to take part in developing ideas for the future of Civic Hall…The People’s Hall.

A fun night was had by all!!

The 20th August 2014 marked another milestone for The Ballarat Civic Hall.  The Grand Old Lady celebrated her 58th Birthday at The Regent Theatre.  Celebrations included the viewing of the movie “The Hundred Foot Journey” an interesting film dealing with the issues of adversity and culture.  A share of the proceeds contributed  to The Civic  Hall “Fighting Fund”.  The party continued after the film with  singing of “Happy Birthday” and the  cutting of the Civic Hall birthday cake.

A big thank you to supporters who attended this fund-raising and celebratory  event.  Your support is appreciated and needed to conserve and retain this incredibly important and Historical building which was the crowning glory of H L Coburn’s extensive collection of Architectural Art Deco works throughout Ballarat and Western Victoria.

Civic Hall doors to open soon!

Council has now voted unanimously to support a community design process at the Civic Hall! This will be the first time that many people have had a chance to view the hall.

The people of Ballarat will be encouraged to contribute design ideas and assist in making models and drawing up plans for the future of the long-disputed Civic Hall.

The “Open Door Studio” will be launched in the foyer of the Civic Hall with an exhibition of all previously submitted plans. At the Studio the community will be assisted in producing a number of concepts, whittling these down over time and by consensus until only three remain. Then Councillors will vote on one design for the Civic Hall and its site.

This process is quite new to Ballarat and it  puts the onus on the community to get involved in shaping the future for the Civic Hall. Councillor representation on a reference panel to support the participatory process will ensure a more informed view of the community’s wishes, and assist them make their ultimate decision.

A clean up of the building has started soon so that the foyer can be used for the “Open Door Studio” workshops. This has included air quality tests and reinstating of fire and other safety equipment.

Initially the main space may be only viewable, but it is intended that as much as possible of the main hall will be accessible again in the coming months.

Save Civic Hall encourages everyone in the community to get involved in what should be an exciting outcome for the people of Ballarat and district.

Participatory design process to start soon!

Council will decide at their next Council meeting whether to fund a community-focussed participatory design process to take place at the Civic Hall in an “open door studio”.

After years of stale-mate and dissent, and much community consultation – which Council has largely ignored – this new process aims to produce 3 fully fleshed out plans.

The process should start in a month or so and will involve artists, architecture students, the general community – including children, and the stakeholders of the Civic Hall and its site.  The emphasis will be on finding consensus.

Guiding the whole process will be a stakeholder advisory committee which should represent a wide range of views on the future of the Civic Hall and its site. It is expected that members of SCH will be part of this group.

Save Civic Hall will support and actively promote this so long as the process and overarching stakeholder committee is not seen as biased towards demolition or other unsuitable, especially non-community, uses of the Civic Hall.

Save Civic Hall is encouraging Council to include representatives from the arts, health and community based interest groups.

A 7 year old's view of the Civic Hall
7 year old Leela’s view of the Civic Hall

Civic Hall ~ Reopen, Revitalize!

This free forum will look at a range of options for restoration and adaptive reuse of the Civic Hall and its site,  to create an exciting community hub for Ballarat. Also featured will be great examples from Ballarat and Melbourne. 

CH Public Meeting BMI

Jeremy Gadens: Director of The Substation, Newport.
Phil Roberts: Secretary, Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Ammon Beyerle: Co-Director of Here Studio, Co-Founder of Hub Melbourne and Ballarat Coworking.

2pm Sunday 25 May at Ballarat Mechanics Institute
117 Sturt Street, Minerva Space. (First floor – lift & wheelchair access)
Meet the speakers over afternoon tea and view Civic Hall memorabilia afterwards.
RSVP appreciated for catering: 0419 324042 or

See more information on Civic Hall and other local news on Weekend Notes. Ballarat has several writers providing content for this online magazine.

Free Forum!!

“Civic Hall – Reopen, Revitalize!”: Sunday 25 May, 2pm, at Ballarat Mechanics Institute.


  • Jeremy Gaden, Director of The Substation;
  • Phil Roberts, Sec of BMI;
  • Ammon Beyerle from Coworking & Here Space

They will talk about adapting and restoring old buildings for new and old uses, and share exciting visions for the future of the Civic Hall.

Everyone welcome!

Council allows SCH tradesmen to inspect Civic Hall

Save Civic Hall last year asked if a team of tradespeople and experts could inspect particularly the Lower Hall with a view to them providing their services free of charge to return it to community use.

This happened on 27 March. While we are still waiting for all their reports the general consensus was that the Civic Hall remains structurally sound and able to be repaired and returned to community use.


Above left: Entrance to Lower Hall. Right: Main Hall

Those inspecting the Lower Hall and the main hall were shocked at the lack of maintenance and security. Many of us visited the main hall when Council allowed limited viewing in 2012 but more recent graffiti is obvious in these photographs. It shows that people are continuing to gain access to the building.

While this remains a potential asset to the community, one would expect our Council to ensure that it is safe and secure.

Keep your Objections coming!

Council has agreed that objections may still be lodged up till they finally make their decision. Save Civic Hall has to date gathered over 2,125 written objections, and presumably many other people have delivered them or submitted online.

Council now seems to be considering postponing its application for demolition while it considers the offer of Premier Napthine to relocate Vic Roads to the Civic Hall site.  This is dependant on whether the Liberal Government is re-elected. So there would be another delay while the building deteriorates further.

However, the Mayor is actually using the term “adaptive re-use” instead of demolition now!

It may be worth looking at the ABC TV report on this.
Check out their current 7-storey high, ugly office block in Kew. Can this really be accommodated beside the Civic Hall?  What would that do to the skyline of Ballarat’s CBD?

Of course, it’s great to see opportunities for Ballarat, though it will not bring 400 new jobs to Ballarat as the Premier declared. The plan is to relocate the existing staff from Melbourne. Personally, I hope they consider other, more suitable sites, and leave the Civic Hall for a community hub, not overshadowed by what would be the biggest building in Ballarat.

In the meantime, Save Civic Hall encourages you to continue to send in your objections, reminding Council that it is our community space, so that whatever is decided, demolition is not part of it. And that the site is retained primarily for community use.