ASU (Australian Services) OrganiserTash Wark said that as recently as the middle of last week the ASU was assured by VicRoads that there were no concrete plans and no definite decision about relocation to Ballarat.
“It is really frustrating that VicRoads is not consulting workers about further progress in this decision despite actively seeking updated and clear advice from management. Employees have every right to know whether VicRoads is acting transparently and in good faith.”
“The potential move would have a massive impact on the lives of many. It could result in VicRoads workers having to commute to Ballarat instead of Kew in order to keep their jobs. This means extra travel costs in an economy where fuel and transport are already an increased burden on workers and their families. It also means less quality time for family and friends. It is highly unrealistic to expect that relocation is an option for everyone.
“It seems VicRoads employees are being used as political pawns in a pork-barrelling exercise by an unpopular and anti-worker government who are flailing their way to election time. We hope Victorians see through these ploys.”
A transcript of an article from The Miner Newspaper 9th October 2014 page 11
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