Welcome back to savecivichall.org….we trust you had a pleasant and safe Christmas and New Year. There are some exciting events in store in 2015 for The Ballarat Civic Hall…as they emerge details will be listed on this site so don’t forget to keep checking our site on a regular basis.
Work is currently underway to prepare and source items for the exciting
“Civic Hall-The People’s Hall”
The exhibition will run from the 4th June -21st June 2015 at the Backspace Gallery. You will be impressed at the range of items that have been offered for the exhibition and we are still sourcing more Civic Hall items .
The Civic Hall Open door Studio has now re-opened following a break over Christmas and New Year. As we move closer toward the first milestone in the Community Design Process, ideas and themes are beginning to emerge for the future design of the Civic Hall and its site. It is critical at this stage that Community Groups and individuals visit the Foyer and put their ideas forward and interact with the consultants. This process has never been tried before in Ballarat and it is a unique and wonderful opportunity to become involved and have your say on how you would like to see the Civic Hall used for future generations…. so please contribute your ideas. You can keep up with all the news at:
Opening hours are:
- Tuesday 9am-5pm
- Thursday 12 Noon-7pm
- 1st Saturday in the month 9am-12 Noon

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